December 23, 2018 | by Sue Miyamoto
Author Melody Beattie said “The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals.”
What will you do this year for others? What will you write in the chapter of 2019? What will both give you joy and help others?
Consider a simple goal of getting involved with Aunt Dot’s Place, a non-profit which serves people who are food insecure in Essex, Essex Junction, Westford, Jericho, and Underhill. When you get involved, whether by a donation or through the many volunteer opportunities available, the amazing thing is that you are not only writing in the chapter of your life, but in the chapter of other people’s lives.
Consider realistically what your commitment could entail. Follow the Smart Goal acronym, when considering any goal. Make your goal Specific, Achievable, Relevant, and Time bound?
Choose an involvement with Aunt Dot’s that works with your personality and resources of money or time. Are you an extrovert? Maybe find a friend to volunteer with you, head a food drive, or get on the schedule to work with clients. Are you busy with kids and career, maybe at this time in your life, the best way to give is through a monetary donation, because you really can’t add one more thing to an over packed schedule. Find a way to help that makes sense for you in 2019. Write your community into your chapter of 2019. If you want more information about volunteer opportunities at Aunt Dot’s Place, send us an email at