January 23, 2019 | by Sue Miyamoto
Food insecurity according to the US Department of Agriculture is a lack of consistent access to enough food for an active healthy life. Food insecurity is part of a complex situation of lack of affordable housing, health problems, medical costs, underemployment, and low wages.
For some people, a third of their income is going to health care costs. For others, their income is a few dollars too high to receive government assistance such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) which is also known as Food Stamps.
People with disabilities often face higher health care costs and limited job opportunities. Seniors with a disability are more likely to be food insecure, though they may be above the poverty line so they don’t qualify for government assistance. Many of these seniors are not getting enough protein and other important nutrients.
This is why Aunt Dot’s Place is so important. If you (or someone you know) are food insecure, due to whatever reason, go to Aunt Dot’s Place.
Bring a piece of mail to show that you are a resident of Essex, Essex Junction, Jericho, Underhill, or Westford. You will be treated with respect, and you will be able to receive fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, and a variety of canned goods, as well as hygiene items. Your health and well-being is important to us.