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A Loud Clear Thank You

April 30, 2019 | by Sue Miyamoto

Gertrude Stein said “Silent gratitude isn’t much to anyone.”  So I want to say a loud and clear thank you.  Thank you to those who read the blog or follow Aunt Dot’s Place on Facebook. I wrote a post on our need for kid-friendly cereal, and someone donated some. It makes my heart happy to see Cheerios and Rice Krispies along side Shredded Wheat and Wheat Flakes. Our post requesting spices and baking supplies brought in two separate donations of spices, as well as flour and sugar.  A post asking for beans resulted in donations too. Another special donation was baby food.

Thank you too, to all who share our Facebook page with others since there are still people in our area that don’t know about Aunt Dot’s Place!

Thank you to the local businesses that regularly contribute to us. Wow! I feel so happy thinking of all the people who are doing so much. I am even thankful for the pigs and chickens at Mullamore Farm who eat up our cast off produce!

Thank you everyone so much for listening and caring and most of all for acting.  We are working together for our community. “Alone, we can do so little, together we can do so much.” Helen Keller