In our busy lives, the urgent often fills our days, as we run around putting out fires, and responding to events as they occur, but there is a more thoughtful approach to life and time management.The Merril Covey matrix, which is built on the Eisenhower matrix, can be helpful as a business tool or a...Read More
When I was a child, I read comics and was fascinated by Superman. I wanted to leap tall buildings, run faster than a locomotive, stop bullets, fly into outer space, catch the bad guys, and rescue people. Super heroes ignite out imagination with their amazing abilities, but even more than that, super heroes inspires us...Read More
There’s an old camp game in which the kids call out “What time is it, Mr. Fox?” The person who is the “fox” calls out a time. The group gets to take that many steps but each individual can decide if they take big steps or little steps. When they get close, the Fox calls...Read More
At Aunt Dot’s Place, a local food shelf in Essex, we don’t let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch. Volunteers pick up produce weekly from local grocery stores, and then sort out the bad apples, potatoes, oranges, assorted veggies, berries, etc. which they throw into green compost buckets.Chris from Mullamore Farms in Jeffersonville picks...Read More
Supposedly Marie Anoinette, the Queen Consort married to Louis XVI during the time of the French Revolution, said of the poor during a time of hunger “Let them eat cake” which was literally “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”. Brioche was an expensive cake-type bread made with flour, butter, and eggs. There is no evidence that...Read More