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Aunt Dot’s Place extends a heart-felt thank you to the Munson Family Foundation which presented a check for $4000.00 this month to Aunt Dot’s Place, an all volunteer organization. When you give a gift to Aunt Dot’s, the money doesn’t go to salaries. It goes to help people in need in our local community of...
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School age children in need get free or reduced school breakfasts and lunches. Who helps these children when school is out? Today a group of Santa’s Helpers aka volunteers from Aunt Dot’s Place, assembled 30 bright green Vacation Bags which will serve 51 school age children. The bags were soon overflowing with cereal, peanut butter...
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Maya Angelou hosted a holiday party every December for many years. She served chili and cornbread and lots of good wine, and said that her party showed “how much adults like to play.” Whether you host a holiday party or have been invited to one, please consider a little tweak to your traditions.A neighborhood in...
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Theodor Geisel, more commonly known as Dr. Seuss, had the Lorax say to children “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not!”Fortunately, a contingent of enterprising preschoolers from STEAMworks Preschool in Essex do care. They marched into Aunt Dot’s Place, and delivered a whopping hundred pounds...
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November in Vermont is fallen leaves, early snows, sweaters, coats and mittens. It is warm expectations of get-togethers with family or friends over a table laden with turkey, mashed potatoes, and all your family’s traditional dishes.But if money is tight, and choices are made between keeping the lights on, paying for needed medication or food,...
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